Our member companies concentrate their expert knowledge in BVBS working groups. Complex issues and tasks are solved effectively in the specialist committees and consensus is reached between different interests. Special topics of a working group are dealt with in a results-oriented manner by core teams in temporary working groups. Every member company has the opportunity to play an active role in the specialist work by sending representatives to the various specialist committees.
Each working group meets once a year for a face-to-face event. In addition, online meetings are held throughout the year. The working groups deal with current issues in their focus area:
- Further development of existing standards and procedures
- Development of new data exchange procedures
- Development of interfaces
- Implementation of new specifications
- Quality management in data exchange
- Development of certification criteria
- Coordination with external market partners
- Exchange of information on the market environment

The BVBS currently has the following working groups:
- Working group ancillary building trades
- Working group reinforcement data
- Working group BIM
- Working group data exchange
- Working group CO₂ and sustainability
- Working group standardization (only experts authorized for DIN, CEN or ISO committees)
- Working group business start-up
- Working group civil engineering and infrastructure construction
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