
Eight rea­sons to join BVBS

1. Digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on – incre­a­se acceleration

Our visi­on is end-to-end digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on and auto­ma­ti­on in the con­struc­tion indus­try. Tog­e­ther, we pur­sue goals to pro­mo­te the con­struc­tion indus­try and work clo­se­ly with insti­tu­ti­ons and poli­ti­cal organisations. 

2. Net­work – strong together

We offer net­works and pool exper­ti­se for neu­tral repre­sen­ta­ti­on of inte­rests. We orga­ni­se the exchan­ge of infor­ma­ti­on bet­ween mem­bers and part­ners. This gives our mem­bers a major know­ledge advantage. 

3. Inno­va­ti­on – ensu­ring performance

We are the voice of digi­ta­li­sers in poli­tics and socie­ty. We influ­ence decisi­on-making pro­ces­ses through our invol­ve­ment in the com­mit­tees of insti­tu­ti­ons and associations. 

4. Public affairs – shaping policy

Wir sind das Sprach­rohr der Digi­ta­li­sie­rer gegen­über der Poli­tik und Gesell­schaft. Durch unse­re Mit­ar­beit in Gre­mi­en von Insti­tu­tio­nen und Ver­bän­den neh­men wir Ein­fluss auf Entscheidungsprozesse. 

5. Mar­ket – bund­ling interests

BVBS offers a neu­tral plat­form for pro­fes­sio­nal dia­lo­gue with mar­ket play­ers and like-min­ded peop­le. Tog­e­ther with our mem­bers, we open up new opportunities. 

6. Qua­li­ty – crea­ting standards

Impro­ving the qua­li­ty of data exchan­ge pro­ces­ses is one of our main objec­ti­ves. To this end, we deve­lop and rea­li­se inter­faces and stan­dards. We sup­port our mem­bers with the implementation. 

7. Indus­try mee­tings – show presence

We orga­ni­se forums and lec­tu­re seri­es for con­struc­tion tra­de fairs and events such as BAU and digi­tal­BAU. This allows us to focus on rele­vant topics and incre­a­se the visi­bi­li­ty of our members. 

8. Medi­en­re­so­nanz – The­men setzen

We put topics on the media agen­da that affect mem­bers and users. We are a well-net­wor­ked mul­ti­plier for the inte­rests of our members. 


BVBS offers the fol­lowing mem­bers­hip categories:

Ordi­na­ry members: 

Soft­ware- und IT-Unter­neh­men, Con­sul­tants, Dienst­leis­ter, Anwen­der und Redak­tio­nen, Kata­log- und Daten­bank­an­bie­ter u.a., die die digi­ta­le Trans­for­ma­ti­on des Bau­we­sens vor­an­trei­ben.
Soft­ware umfasst in die­sem Sin­ne auch bran­chen­spe­zi­fi­sche, struk­tu­rier­te und EDV-gerech­te Daten­samm­lun­gen, die funk­tio­na­le Soft­ware ergänzen.

The annu­al mem­bers­hip fee is based on a sca­le of four levels depen­ding on the size of the company:
  • up to 10 employees – mem­bers­hip fee 2.100 €
  • 11 – 50 employees – mem­bers­hip fee 2.340 €
  • 50 – 200 employees – mem­bers­hip fee 2.820 €
  • from 200 employees – mem­bers­hip fee 3.300 €

Due to the sta­tus of an asso­cia­ti­on, VAT is not charged. 

Start­up members: 
Con­di­ti­ons for com­pa­nies to earn the “Start­up Status”: 
  • the com­pa­ny was foun­ded less than 5 years ago
  • the num­ber of employees does not exceed 25 (head­count)
  • the com­pa­ny is not a spin-off from a company
  • the exter­nal share­hol­ding is a maxi­mum of 50

The start­up mem­bers­hip fee is €500 per year. As soon as one of the abo­ve cri­te­ria is no lon­ger met, the start­up mem­bers­hip is trans­fer­red to a regu­lar BVBS mem­bers­hip. The annu­al mem­bers­hip fee is then based on the num­ber of employees in the company. 

Extra­or­di­na­ry members: 
Con­struc­tion insti­tu­tes, sta­te insti­tu­ti­ons, asso­cia­ti­ons and engi­nee­ring and deve­lo­p­ment offices with an inte­rest in pro­mo­ting infor­ma­ti­on and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy in the con­struc­tion indus­try. The gene­ral con­di­ti­ons for mem­bers­hip are set out in the statutes. 
Beco­m­ing a member 
Join BVBS to beco­me part of a strong com­mu­ni­ty and play an acti­ve role in shaping the future of the industry! 
The cur­rent ver­si­on of the sta­tu­te can be found here (file in ger­man lan­guage)..

